Carmina – Swimwear and Nude Editorial Photoshoot

Every now and then I work with a model to shoot some photos specifically for magazine submissions.

I put some ideas out into the world and Carmina came back to me, keen to try a few of them on a warm day in the tail end of winter.

We shot in the late morning at a small beach in Sydney, the twist in the story here being that this was the first nude beach I had done a photoshoot at. We decided a nude beach would be best so we didn’t draw any unwanted attention due to the nature of some of the images we would be creating.

The images set was featured in Issue #31 of Lions Mag.

If you’d like to see more of this set plus more great images from other photographers, go check out Lions Magazine. It’s a Swimwear and Nude Art Magazine, I’m a big fan because of the quality of images they publish.

Model: Carmina -


Nevena – Swimwear and Implied Topless Photoshoot


My Dress Affair - Fashion Brand Photoshoot